Earth Warriors Oracle
Earth Warriors Oracle
Dette er et af mine absolut yndlings kortsæt!
Earth Warriors Oracle er skabt til “jordens krigere”; lysarbejdere, healere, medicinkvinder og -mænd. Til alle der mærker kaldet til at heale jorden og alle der lever på den.
Kortene åbner for healing og visdom fra jorden, krystaller, planter og dyr, fra hellige steder og hellige lyd. Og forbinder os med forskellige spirituelle lineages og ancestral visdom, for at modtage dybe healinger og vække indsigter helt ind i sjælen.
Earth Warriors er ved at heale den kollektive bevidsthed, og måden hvorpå den manifesteres her på jorden. Vi åbner os for højere og kærlig visdom, for at skabe en bedre planet for de kommende generationer og for at ære livets gave.
Kortene støtter os i at heale ancestrale energier og problematikker der er gået i arv, så vi kan frisætte os selv og vælge en ny vej. Herigennem heales de kollektive energier, og menneskeheden kan træde ind i en ny æra af lys.
Antal kort: 44
Sprog: Engelsk
Guidebog: Ja
Alana Fairchild
Artwork by Isabel Bryna
A new world is being born. It is founded upon love and higher consciousness, instead of fear, hate and greed. This new world is gaining ground, becoming stronger, yet it also needs its protectors during this precious and important time of birth. Earth Warriors are the guardians, guides and way-showers for the new world, inspiring its people to prosper and thrive in harmony with the wisdom of life.
Defying convention and living from the heart, Earth Warriors urge the human race forward with enormous positive energy and a passionate desire for meaningful contribution and sacred purpose. Willing to shake things up for the right cause, the Earth Warriors bring truth out of darkness, when others who trade in fear would wish to keep it hidden.
Earth Warriors are the wise wild ones, cracking open mainstream consciousness with their loving awareness of freedom and grace. They are the bright lights, the holy hustlers, the creative visionaries and the sacred guardians of the soul.
"Earth Warriors Oracle" taps into universal tribal wisdom and pure spiritual guidance to empower your soul with courage and optimism to discover the Earth Warrior within and fulfil its sacred purpose.